The Icelandic Film Academy has nominated three of Pity the Lovers's great and very accomplished team, for the EDDAN awards 2020. We are very proud and congratulate Björn Thors to his nomination as best Main Actor, Jóel Ingi Sæmundsson as Best Supporting Actor and Stefanía Thors for Best Editing!
Romantic drama comedy Pity the Lovers, directed by Maximilian Hult, was first released on the 27th of January 2019 at the International Film Festival in Gothenburg in the Nordic Comedy section. The film was theatrically released in Reykjavík, Iceland on the 14th of February 2019 and has since been screened at various festivals, such as Seattle International Film Festival, Victoria International Film Festival in Canada, Glasgow International Film Festival and is due on more in the year to come.