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[av_gallery ids='1983,1982' style='thumbnails' preview_size='portfolio' thumb_size='portfolio' columns='2' imagelink='lightbox' lazyload='avia_lazyload' av_uid='av-t6plf']

[av_two_third first av_uid='av-5cok0z']Maximilian Hult's first feature premieres, and competes for the Bank of Busan Audience Prize, in the Flash Forward category  at Busan International Film Festival in South Korea 3-12 oct 2013. Producer Anna G Magnusdóttir and director Maximilian Hult represent the film i Busan.[/av_two_third]

[av_one_third av_uid='av-4vleyr']

[av_image src='' attachment='1972' align='center' animation='no-animation' link='manually,' target='no' av_uid='av-2gbp43']


This year for Cannes Film Festival we have joint forces together with the leading Nordic producers and film makers to bring the most exiting genre movies and TV series under one roof.

This is what people is commenting about the Nordic Genre Invasion: