The second film in the 3-film horror comedy franchise will go into production in the summer of 2016 and be released in 2017. The film is included in the slate of Nordic Genre films presented by the collaboration platform Nordic Genre Invasion. Interntional Sales & Distribution is taken care of by Movieboosters AB.
Great News!
American Burger is entusiastic to meet France through the screenings in La Nuit Décalée at the Gerardmer International Fantastic Film Festival 2015 Jan 28th - Feb 1st.
Skräckiskomedin American Burger är nu utgiven på DVD, den finns bl.a. att hyra och köpa genom
samt att köpa på DVD
Den finns även på VOD (stream & Download) genom
Festival de l’Absurd Séance 2014 screened American Burger i October starting the film’s distribution career in France. It will screen at more French festivals and other venues the coming months. Next upcoming is Gerardmer Fantastic Film Festival Jan. 2015. Saty tuned for more news out of France!
Happy Horror Comedy American Burger will be released on October the 17th - Make sure to get one of the first copies by preþordering here!
American Burger is completed and ready to be served to hungry audiences! Let's get together in Cannes and feast!
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Once more we, as one of the founders of new platform, Nordic Genre Invasion are opening shop in Cannes and presenting the best of Nordic Genre Films! Following last years great success we'll be open for business for five days at the best possible location right opposite the market!