Bonita Drake, one of two directors of upcoming horror comedy American Burger, participated in the film festival Ramaskrik 24-26 October, "Norways spookiest filmfest" they say. Bonita presented the film as work in progress and screened a few clips to an enthusiastic audience... highly entertaining and much appreciated, rumour says.
Watch an interview with Bonita at the festival.
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Sámi Nieida Jojk in Competition at Tromsö International Film Festival, January 2008
Sámi Nieida Jojk took was in Competition in Ridu Riddu Festival in Norway, June 2007 and received a shared Audience Prize.
About Riddu Riddu:
Riddu Riđđu is an annual Sami music and culture festival held in Olmmáivággi (Manndalen) in the Gáivuotna (Kåfjord) municipality in Norway. The goal of the festival is to bring forward both Sami culture and that of other indigenous peoples. Translated to English, the name of the festival is "small storm at the coast". The festival has permanent support from the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs, the Sami parliament, Troms county and Kåfjord municipality.